Russia, China veto UN resolution calling for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

The Age/Edith M  Lederer/23.3.2024 Whilst the USA pretends to want a ceasefire it continues to arm Israel depending on Russia and China to continue the veto – all so Biden can get the Arab vote in this year’s election – shameful to the extreme – Mark New York: Russia and China on Friday vetoed a… Continue reading Russia, China veto UN resolution calling for immediate ceasefire in Gaza

Israel and its uncritical proponents: a danger to Jews

Bernard Spiegal Jews genuinely concerned about antisemitism are ill-served by the Campaign Against Antisemitism (CAA), because its actions and approach are more likely to engender antisemitism than to counter it. Its main function is to protect and promote the foremost generator of antisemitism, the State of Israel. It is joined in this enterprise by the… Continue reading Israel and its uncritical proponents: a danger to Jews

Call to give Gazans same visa rights as Ukrainians

The Age & Sydney Morning Herald | Matthew Knott| 19 March 2024 Sadly the office of Penny Wong refuses to engage with Australian Christian Organisations requesting that people with visa’s be put on the list to leave Gaza – there are more than 50 families stuck in southern Gaza with visa’s but unable to pay… Continue reading Call to give Gazans same visa rights as Ukrainians

Israel’s Shifa raid shows its grip is slipping as a ‘forever war’ looms

Retaking of Shifa complex shows Hamas militants, despite heavy losses, are still operational in northern Gaza The Guardian | Jason Burke | 19 March 2024 I’m sure Netanyahu will continue to claim Hamas is still alive in Gaza in order to keep killing the innocents – Mark The latest raid on al-Shifa hospital reveals that… Continue reading Israel’s Shifa raid shows its grip is slipping as a ‘forever war’ looms

Fierce clashes between IDF and Hamas after Israel takes control of key hospital

Israel claims to have killed 20 militants at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza City following early morning raid The Guardian / Reuters | Jason Burke | 19 March 2024 Maybe 20 militants who knows – but guarantee there would be many more innocents murdered in this attack by Israel – Mark Fierce fighting has continued around… Continue reading Fierce clashes between IDF and Hamas after Israel takes control of key hospital

‘We are delighted’: Government reverses cancelled Gaza visas

(The Age, 18/3/2024) A Government doing something right to change their disgusting behavior in the first place – thank God – Mark Several Palestinians fleeing the war in Gaza who were devastated after their visas were cancelled while en route to Australia have again been granted permission to travel to the country, a move that… Continue reading ‘We are delighted’: Government reverses cancelled Gaza visas

The problem is Netanyahu: Why Biden is accused of trying to tear down the Israeli prime minister

(The Age, 18/3/2024) Too little too late some might say – Biden is just as dishonest as Netanyahu – playing politics with innocent lives – Mark In the days after the October 7 massacre, US President Joe Biden rushed to Israel, stood shoulder to shoulder with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and pledged what sounded… Continue reading The problem is Netanyahu: Why Biden is accused of trying to tear down the Israeli prime minister

Friend and foe alike are realising one thing about the US

(Canberra Times, 18/3/2024) The USA is one of the most corrupt countries in the world led by corrupt dishonest politicians – Biden v Trump – the best that 350 million people can come up with – joke – Mark Heartening though it was on Friday to see Australia jump before the US to uncork $6… Continue reading Friend and foe alike are realising one thing about the US

Israel approves Rafah attack amid ceasefire talks

The Age & Sydney Morning Herald / Reuters| Bassam Masoud | 17 March 2024 More smoke and mirrors from Netanyahu – pretend to be interested in peace talks whilst murdering more innocents – Mark Israel has approved a potential assault on the Gazan city of Rafah while also keeping ceasefire hopes alive with plans to… Continue reading Israel approves Rafah attack amid ceasefire talks

Ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas expected to restart, Egyptian officials say

ABC / AP | 17 March 2024 Please God get both of these passionate governments to find a peace that stops the killing of innocents and brings freedom from occupation – Mark Stalled talks aimed at securing a ceasefire in the war between Israel and Hamas are expected to restart in earnest in Qatar as… Continue reading Ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas expected to restart, Egyptian officials say