Mohammed El Halabi

Mohammed El Halabi has been imprisoned by Israel for nearly 7 years. He could have been out years ago, if he only agreed to confess to a crime he didn’t commit. But Mohammed has stood strong. Will you stand with him on his birthday and call for his release? Post your birthday solidarity selfie Mohammed was… Continue reading Mohammed El Halabi

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Pax Christi Testimony of Witness from the Holy Land

A Pax Christi International delegation has recently returned from a 10-day peace pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Thirteen members from six countries took part in a visit that enabled them to reconnect with Pax Christi partners, see, first-hand, the facts on the ground, meet with religious leaders, activists, NGO, and UN representatives, and most importantly,… Continue reading Pax Christi Testimony of Witness from the Holy Land

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Palestine Israel Media Report

18.3.2023 A civil war is a red line’: Herzog, Netanyahu at odds Age/Maayan Lubell JERUSALEM: Jerusalem awoke to the sight of a long red line painted by protesters along roads leading to Israel’s Supreme Court, hours after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected a compromise deal for his government’s planned judicial overhaul. The hard-right government’s drive… Continue reading Palestine Israel Media Report

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Greetings from Sabeel, I am delighted to announce that Sabeel is back to organizing annual young adult conferences this year. We are inviting young leaders ages 18-35 to join us in Jerusalem July 18th – July 27th, 2023 for a fun and meaningful young adult conference entitled “Time to Kumi- Time to Rise up”. The… Continue reading SABEEL YOUTH CONFERENCE

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Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW)

Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an opportunity to globally mobilize grassroots solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for freedom, dignity and justice. During IAW we raise awareness about Israeli apartheid and build strategic BDS campaigns in support of the Palestinian struggle to end Israel’s brutal system of apartheid, settler-colonialism and ethnic cleansing.  IAW provides an opportunity to grow our networks… Continue reading Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW)

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Strike Declared in Nablus following Israeli Killing of Three Palestinians

Palestinians in the West Bank city of Nablus held a strike on Sunday over the killing of three Palestinians by Israeli occupation forces earlier in the same day, The New Arab reported. Shops remained closed on Sunday after Israeli forces had fired on a vehicle with Palestinian men inside near the Surra military checkpoint, west… Continue reading Strike Declared in Nablus following Israeli Killing of Three Palestinians

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Adelaide Writers’ Week: rare moments of empathy and nuance found amid a storm of controversy

Adelaide Writers’ Week: rare moments of empathy and nuance found amid a storm of controversy After a contentious lead-up, this year’s literary festival was packed with audiences ready to speak their minds, but also willing to listen Two policemen stood watching among the roses of Adelaide’s pioneer women’s memorial garden. Journalists and cameramen hovered. Heads… Continue reading Adelaide Writers’ Week: rare moments of empathy and nuance found amid a storm of controversy

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Palestine/Israel: Prime Minister Netanyahu’s annexationist policies must have consequences

I commend to you the letter below to the Foreign Secretary about the incoming Israeli Government. It is signed by Julie Elliott MP, co chair of the Britain Palestine All Party Parliamentary Group at Westminster, and co signed by Parliamentarians from the four major UK political parties. Our country has a duty to uphold international… Continue reading Palestine/Israel: Prime Minister Netanyahu’s annexationist policies must have consequences

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Debriefing Palestine by Jonathan Kuttab I just returned to the US from a month-long trip to Palestine/Israel. You can read my trip reflections at the link below: On my trip, I was able to reconnect with old friends and update the FOSNA family on a number of our ongoing campaigns, including: The overwhelming feeling in… Continue reading FOSNA

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