Violence flares at UCLA as police end protests at New York’s Columbia

(The Age, 2/5/2024) Unbelievable – the Israeli propaganda machine supported by the right wing police strike again – Mark Mounting tensions on US campuses boiled over on Wednesday when pro-Israel supporters attacked an encampment of pro-Palestinian protesters at UCLA, hours after police arrested activists who occupied a building at Columbia University and flattened a tent… Continue reading Violence flares at UCLA as police end protests at New York’s Columbia

Student Protesters Threaten to Derail Biden

The Australian / The Times | Alistair Dawber | 30 April 2024 Well done students – Mark Student-led protests against the Gaza war spread across more American universities this weekend as the growing wave of dissent that has led to hundreds of arrests threatens to undermine President Joe Biden’s re-election campaign.More than 250 people were… Continue reading Student Protesters Threaten to Derail Biden

Sharing Signs of Hope

by Jonathan Kuttab In the midst of the horrific situation in Gaza and throughout Palestine/Israel, it is foolish to be optimistic. Even asking for the minimal requirement of a ceasefire and of free access to basic humanitarian needs such as food, water, medical supplies, and respite from the harrowing onslaught, seems to meet with resistance… Continue reading Sharing Signs of Hope

Ahead of feared Rafah invasion, Palestinians mourn bombardment dead

The Australian | AFP | 26.04.24 When Oh when will the world wake up to this next tragedy – thousands more will be killed in Rafah by Netanyahu and his illegal Government – Mark Palestinians on Thursday mourned people killed in Israeli bombardment of Rafah, the crowded southern Gaza city where Israel says it is… Continue reading Ahead of feared Rafah invasion, Palestinians mourn bombardment dead

Australians join unauthorised activist mission to challenge Israeli blockade and deliver 5,500 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Gaza

By Audrey Courty So brave based on previous Israeli murders of volunteers trying to bring humanitarian aid via the blockade – Mark Just weeks after aid worker Zomi Frankcom was killed in Israeli air strikes, three Australians are embarking on an unauthorised mission to deliver food and medical supplies to war-torn Gaza. “We all feel like this… Continue reading Australians join unauthorised activist mission to challenge Israeli blockade and deliver 5,500 tonnes of humanitarian aid to Gaza

USyd students occupy quad lawns in solidarity with Gaza

On Tuesday, April 23, University of Sydney student and staff activists commenced their first day of a campout in support of encampments at Columbia University and other US campuses. By Valerie Chidiac and Zeina KhochaicheApril 23, 2024 Its surprising how Israel has managed to motivate students from around the world to stand up for Palestinians and against genocide… Continue reading USyd students occupy quad lawns in solidarity with Gaza

Mass graves in Gaza show victims’ hands were tied, says UN rights office

I’m pretty sure that Palestinians did not tie their own hands before jumping into graves – this has to be another example of Netanyahu and his Government saying one thing whilst murdering innocents – so very very sad – Mark Disturbing reports continue to emerge about mass graves in Gaza in which Palestinian victims were reportedly… Continue reading Mass graves in Gaza show victims’ hands were tied, says UN rights office

House approves $17 billion in military aid for Israel under aid package

As the number of Palestinians killed in the Israeli assault on Gaza nears 35,000, the House of Representatives voted to send an additional $17 billion in unconditional military aid to Israel by a vote of 366-58. How can Biden justify calling for Peace whilst arming the murderous Government of Israel – maybe he is as… Continue reading House approves $17 billion in military aid for Israel under aid package


April 25th, 2024 On the 19th of April, Iranian air defense shot down drones over Isfahan, according to state media. This escalates regional tensions following Iran’s retaliatory strike on Israel after an attack against its diplomatic premises in Syria. Israel’s action came after the alleged US approval of a potential Israeli invasion in Rafah, in exchange… Continue reading WAVE OF PRAYER