Explaining Christian Zionism

Christian Zionist theology holds that Israel must gather all the Jews of the world, enlarge its territory, destroy Muslim holy places, and ethnically cleanse “the holy land” of all non-Jews. A majority of evangelical Christians in the United States believe that support for such actions by Israel will help hasten the the return of Christ… Continue reading Explaining Christian Zionism

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Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

All over the globe men are revolting against old systems of exploitation and oppression, and out of the wounds of a frail world, new systems of justice and equality are being born . . . We in the West must support these revolutions. MLK “Time to Break the Silence” – Speech at  Riverside Church April… Continue reading Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

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Church Committee calls for decisive position on saving Palestinian Christians’ presence

The Higher Presidential Committee of Church Affairs today called for a decisive global position on saving Palestinian Christians’ presence. Chairman of the Committee, Ramzi Khoury, issued a letter urging hierarchs and heads of churches worldwide to take a decisive and serious position to save the presence of Palestinian Christians, particularly in the occupied city of… Continue reading Church Committee calls for decisive position on saving Palestinian Christians’ presence

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