Palestinian Rescues and Hides Jewish Couple Who Were Attacked in West Bank

A Palestinian resident of the Hebron area saved a Jewish couple from a nearby settlement after they were attacked last week. The man took the couple to his home, and later the army evacuated them from the area.

Later that night, rocks were thrown at the Palestinian man’s house, and his property and the couple’s vehicle were damaged.

The incident occurred at around 3 A.M. on Tuesday, April 4. The couple, Amichai and Nitzan Baron were driving to the West Bank settlement of Karmei Tzur, nearby Hebron, after an event in Jerusalem. “We were heading home in the middle of the night, and there was a barrier of rocks on the road,” said Amichai Baron.

“I followed a Palestinian vehicle that swerved and missed the barrier, but I couldn’t, and we hit the rocks,” Baron said.

The couple realized that they couldn’t continue their drive back home, and as they drove by a Palestinian’s house, “M” came out towards them and shouted at them to quickly enter his home. “At first I didn’t understand what was going on, and then I started hearing stones falling,” Baron said.

“I immediately got my wife out of the car, and we entered M’s house. At first, we were afraid to enter, but as soon as I saw that he was there to help us, we realized that we could worry less. We don’t want to even think what would happen if he wouldn’t let us in,” said Baron.

In the footage of the incident, M is seen calling the couple to enter his house. They obeyed him and quickly entered the building, while he’s protecting the woman as stones can be heard being thrown in the background. M offered water to the couple, when in the meantime they contacted the area’s security hotline and reported that they were at a Palestinian’s house after their car got stuck. A force under the command of a battalion commander arrived shortly on-scene.

“I explained to the army commander that M actually rescued us, and that it could have easily ended differently,” Baron said. “The army took us to the settlement and the vehicle remained, and in the morning we realized that stones had been thrown at it and completely set on fire.”

The Israel Defense Forces confirmed the details of the incident and said that the couple was rescued by a force of the Shaked Battalion of the Givati Brigade. “He explained that the Palestinian youngsters are causing problems because of Ramadan,” Baron said, noting that he would be happy if Israel would compensate M for the damage done to his home.

M himself said he was glad he rescued the couple. “I would like the current situation to end quickly,” he told Haaretz.

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