
Last week, Israel launched indiscriminate assaults on Lebanon, resulting in the deaths of at least 550 people and thousands more injured. Among the dead is Hezbollah’s Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah. This escalation follows a year of rising tensions along the Israeli-Lebanese border. So far, an estimated 1 million people have been displaced in Lebanon due to Israeli strikes. In addition to air raids, Israel is deploying reserve brigades to the northern border, signaling a possible preparation for a ground invasion of Lebanon. 

Merciful and Loving God, we fear that a regional war is imminent, and that death and darkness will continue to spread. We bring our anxieties to you and ask for your intervention for the safety of our friends and families across Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Syria, and the whole region. Strengthen the will of those who desire peace, and rain down your justice to those who seek destruction.
Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, it was reported that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is considering a plan that would lead to the ethnic cleansing of Palestinian civilians from northern Gaza. The ethnic cleansing plan includes the forcible transfer of the civilian population in northern Gaza to the south of the Netzarim corridor and preventing of aid from northern Gaza until it is “cleansed” of the remaining Hamas fighters.  The remaining 300,000 Palestinian civilians in northern Gaza are likely to ignore any evacuation order as they have nowhere to go, and Israel has repeatedly bombed so-called “safe areas” throughout the war.  

Gracious God, we pray for the people of Gaza, who have suffered for over 11 months of this atrocious violence. Protect them, oh Lord, from the violence that encroaches on them. Bring them nourishment, healing, safety, and peace. May the hearts of the oppressors be transformed, and may all people see the sanctity of every life.
Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, Israel returned unidentified bodies of 88 Palestinians killed in its genocide in the Gaza Strip, which Gaza health ministry refused to bury until Israel discloses details about who they are and where it killed them. The bodies were brought into Gaza in a container loaded on a truck through an Israeli-controlled crossing. 

God of Humanity, we cannot imagine the despair and pain of the people of Gaza. Each day brings a war crime more horrific than the last while those aiding the oppressor stand by, blind and deaf to the suffering. Holy Spirit, be with the martyrs and their families. Grant them the dignity that they did not find on this earth. Help us to never be immune to this suffering but rather, fill us with the depths of your goodness so that we may be movers of your peace and justice.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, Israeli soldiers raided the Al Jazeera office in the middle of Ramallah (Area A) and ordered the bureau to shut down for 45 days. They used tear gas, violently seized camera equipment, and tore down large banners depicting Shireen Abu Akleh, a Palestinian-American journalist martyred by Israeli forces in May 2022. The raid comes just months after the Israeli government banned Al Jazeera from operating inside Israel due to their reporting of Gaza. 

Holy Spirit, we pray for all truth seekers and their families. We ask that their example will light a fire in our own hearts to seek hope, truth, and justice against all odds. Reign down your protection over the journalists of Al Jazeera and beyond, so they may continue bringing light where there is darkness. 

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, a group of Knesset members began touring schools in East Jerusalem under high security as part of a controversial plan to pressure Palestinian schools into adopting the Israeli curriculum, despite resistance from many within the Palestinian community. The move has been criticized as an attempt to undermine the Palestinian Authority’s educational system and impose Israeli narratives. Despite significant government funding and intimidation, only 2,000 out of 85,000 students have switched to the Israeli curriculum. 

Gracious and just God, be with the children, teachers, and families of East Jerusalem. We pray for protection over their schools and the freedom to preserve their history, culture, and truth. Strengthen the hearts of those resisting the imposition of narratives that seek to erase their identity. Let truth prevail over manipulation and let the light of justice shine over the education system, protecting it from undue pressure. We pray for peace, wisdom, and strength for all those standing firm in the face of adversity.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

Last week, the Palestine Institute for Public Diplomacy launched an interactive map that shows the concrete measures and sanctions taken since October by states, parliaments, courts, businesses, civil society groups and organizations in response to the ongoing genocide and Nakba in Palestine. The map, which will be updated on a weekly basis, aims to be new resource for the movement, and they welcome edits and additions to the map by contacting

God of Justice, despite our despair, we know our prayers are not in vain. We thank you for the steady agents of your love around the world, who continue to work towards human dignity for all. Holy Spirit, continue to strengthen your flock so they may make true your vision of mercy and justice.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer

We join the World Council of Churches in their prayers for the countries of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela.

Lord in your mercy…hear our prayer