GAZA —U.S. Christians for Ceasefire engaged in a powerful, disruptive, and prayerful nonviolent action in a military zone near the crossing into Gaza today. The 12 U.S. and 3 Palestinian Christian leaders appealing for a just peace through song, prayer, scripture, kneeling, and signs were confronted by Israeli guards at the Kerem Shalom crossing with… Continue reading U.S CHRISTIANS APPEAL FOR CEASEFIRE WITH DISRUPTIVE NONVIOLENT PROTEST AT GAZA BORDER

Palestinians fear divisive debate will derail visa pathway

(The Age, 20/8/2024) Sadly the evil that is Netanyahu and his Government has now infected Dutton and his party – God will judge us all and s/he has a lot to do when s/he reviews these men and their actions – Mark Advocates for new arrivals from Gaza fear divisive politics will derail Labor’s plans… Continue reading Palestinians fear divisive debate will derail visa pathway


Aug 15th, 2024 Last week, Israel bombed another school-turned-shelter in Gaza during a time of prayer. Reports from Gaza indicate that over 100 Palestinians were killed in the attack, with many more injured. Eyewitnesses have described the bombing as one of the most horrific massacres since October 7th. Paramedics reported that it was nearly impossible… Continue reading WAVE OF PRAYER

Hamas rejects latest ceasefire proposal, blames Benjamin Netanyahu

(The Australian, 19/8/2024) The last thing Netanyahu needs is a ceasefire – he would be out of a job and facing criminal charges – Mark Hamas has rejected the latest ceasefire proposal discussed in Doha over the weekend, blaming Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for “obstructing an agreement” for a truce and hostage exchange in… Continue reading Hamas rejects latest ceasefire proposal, blames Benjamin Netanyahu

Central Gaza and southern Lebanon hit by Israeli strikes with 25 people dead

Ceasefire – fat chance – Mark!! At least 15 Palestinians were killed and dozens wounded in an Israeli strike in the Gaza town of Zawayda, the official Palestinian news agency WAFA reported on Saturday, as a Hamas official dismissed ceasefire optimism as an “illusion”.Child in Gaza diagnosed with polio Photo shows A close-up of a man… Continue reading Central Gaza and southern Lebanon hit by Israeli strikes with 25 people dead

From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free

by Jonathan Kuttab It is outrageous, in the midst of an ongoing genocide where each day brings news of more tragedies and horrors, that we would have the luxury of addressing “final status” solutions. But, since we are always being asked what we want and how we envision the outcome, it may be worthwhile to… Continue reading From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free

Gaza ceasefire talks underway in Doha as deaths top 40,000

Sadly the real number will probably never be known – but over 100,000 dead is a more likely figure given so many missing and lost under the rubble – Mark The United States hailed a “promising start” to Gaza ceasefire talks Thursday, as pressure mounted for a deal to halt the spread of a war… Continue reading Gaza ceasefire talks underway in Doha as deaths top 40,000

Agree to a ceasefire in Gaza and we won’t attack, Iranian officials tell Israel (SMH & The Age, 15/8/2024)

Love to think this will work but as Israel has clearly decided to permanently occupy Gaza as it does the West Bank there will be no cease fire until the USA actually demand it – but we live in hope and pray for a ceasefire – Mark Dubai/Beirut: Only a ceasefire deal in Gaza stemming… Continue reading Agree to a ceasefire in Gaza and we won’t attack, Iranian officials tell Israel (SMH & The Age, 15/8/2024)

Don’t taint us all with Hamas brush, says Palestinian neurosurgeon

(The Australian, 15/8/2024) Please God stop the persecution happening all over again just when the innocents reach what should be a safe haven – Mark A Palestinian neurosurgeon whose family fled Gaza has said her newly arrived community had come here not just seeking help from Australia but to work for it, pleading with the… Continue reading Don’t taint us all with Hamas brush, says Palestinian neurosurgeon

‘Full blockade’: Peter Dutton’s call on Gazan visas

(The Australian, 15/8/2024) Is it shameful that Dutton is trying to gain votes by persecuting innocent men, women and children – is there no depth this man will sink to (He makes Trump & Johnstone seem reasonable!) – Mark Peter Dutton has escalated the domestic political contest over war in Gaza, calling for an outright… Continue reading ‘Full blockade’: Peter Dutton’s call on Gazan visas