Fighting rages in Gaza City’s Shujaiya for fourth day, thousands displaced

    Merryn Johns

    Heavy battles have hit Gaza City for a fourth day as a military operation uprooted 80,000 Palestinians and compounded “unbearable” living conditions.

    Yet another example of Netanyahu’s murderous actions – Mark

    Heavy battles and bombardment have hit Gaza City’s Shujaiya district for a fourth day, months after the Israeli army declared Hamas’s command structure had been dismantled in the area.
    Tens of thousands of Palestinians have fled the devastated neighbourhood, where the army said it has fought Hamas and Islamic Jihad militants both above ground and in tunnels.
    The military said troops had “eliminated several terrorists, located weapons and conducted targeted raids on booby-trapped combat compounds” over the past 24 hours while the air force had “struck dozens” of the militants’ infrastructure sites.
    It also reported clashes in central Gaza and the southern Rafah area, a week after Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared that the “intense phase” of the war raging since October 7 was nearing an end.
    The United Nations humanitarian agency OCHA estimated that “60,000 to 80,000 people were displaced” from Shujaiya since new fighting broke out there and the army issued evacuation orders.
    Palestinian officials said an Israeli strike on Sunday in the occupied West Bank killed a man identified by a militant group as one of its commanders, with the Israeli military confirming it had targeted a “wanted terrorist”.

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