Norway’s $1.4 Trillion Oil Fund Divests from Israel Bonds Amid Gaza Conflict, Aligns with BDS

Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, managing $1.4 trillion, has divested from Israel Bonds, citing ethical concerns amid the Gaza conflict. This move highlights the influence of the BDS movement and the growing role of ethical considerations in global investments.

This is real action that will hurt Israel where it counts most for them – in their pocket. It also sends a message of the fact that genocide will never be acceptable to humans – Mark

Norway’s sovereign wealth fund, the world’s largest, has made a significant move by completely divesting from Israel Bonds, citing the ongoing war on Gaza and adherence to its ethical guidelines. This decision by Norges Bank Investment Management, overseeing a staggering $1.4 trillion, marks a pivotal moment in the financial sector’s response to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The divestment, valued at nearly half a billion dollars, is not only a financial blow to Israel but also a symbolic victory for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which campaigns against Israeli apartheid and for Palestinian rights.

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