An Advent guide with reflectionson Palestine/Israel

Each week during Advent read firsthand accounts from recently returned Ecumenical Accompaniers (EAs) of their experiences during their deployment with the World Council of Churches’ Ecumenical Accompaniment Program in Palestine and Israel (WCC-EAPPI). Along with their stories and photos are bible readings, further resources and prayers to offer. We encourage you to use these prayers and reflections for your own Advent journey and to share with others.
EAs deploy for three-month placements, living alongside vulnerable Palestinian communities and bear witness to the communities’ suffering. They work alongside an international Christian network standing in solidarity with people of all faiths, building the foundations for justice and peace in Palestine and Israel.
Together at this exceptionally challenging time let us journey alongside people in the Holy Land who are suffering today in the land which embeds the footsteps of Jesus.
This is not an official EAPPI document. Opinions expressed herein represent the opinions of the EAs involved and do not necessarily represent the views of the EAPPI program or the World Council of Churches.
This resource is produced by the Palestine Israel Ecumenical Network (PIEN) with assistance from returned EA Rev Dr Helen Richmond. PIEN is a network of Australian Christians and supporters who are seeking a lasting peace in Palestine and Israel.


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