Israel Is Torturing Palestinian Prisoners to Death — With US Complicity

Some Israeli leaders are pushing to legalize the torture and rape of Palestinians to avoid accountability.

If you are committing Mass Murder and Genocide torture is just a natural extension – the evil that lives in this Israeli Government is now influencing all Jews – evil will ultimately kill Israel – Mark

On June 26, 2023, President Joe Biden declared: “Torture is prohibited everywhere and at all times. It is illegal, immoral, and a stain on our collective conscience.”

Yet since last October, Israel, emboldened by Biden’s “ironclad support,” has tortured to death at least 60 Palestinians, according to a new report by Israel-based human rights group B’Tselem. The report comes barely 10 days after Congress gave Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu more than 60 standing ovations, with U.S. lawmakers leaping to their feet at Netanyahu’s claim that the genocide the world is witnessing is merely a “clash between barbarism and civilization.”

The report, titled, “Welcome to Hell,” offers a dystopian glimpse into Israel’s network of military prisons and detention centers — which B’Tselem characterizes as “torture camps” — where Israel holds thousands of Palestinians prisoner in inhumane and degrading conditions. Drawing on testimonies collected from 55 released prisoners, the report reveals a policy of “institutionalized abuse,” which includes sexual violence, severe beating, extreme hunger, humiliation and deprivation of basic human needs such as, water, daylight and sanitation, including soap and menstrual pads.

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