Former reporter shot at in Gaza

The Age/Emma Young/13.4.2024 Another ‘accident’ – I think not – Israel has continued with their ‘shoot to kill’ policy on innocents – Mark An Australian former reporter for this masthead, now working for the United Nations Children’s Fund, is lucky to be alive after being shot at in Gaza. Tess Ingram, who worked for the… Continue reading Former reporter shot at in Gaza

‘We will harm them’: Israel says it is prepared for wider conflict amid Iran attack fears

The Age/James Mackenzie and Nidal al-Mughrabi/12.4.2024 Israel is not just prepared it wants a wider conflict to try to get the worlds population back on their side – an ever growing population who can see what a murderous illegal Government Israel has become – Mark Jerusalem/Cairo: Israel is keeping up its war in Gaza but… Continue reading ‘We will harm them’: Israel says it is prepared for wider conflict amid Iran attack fears

Israeli commander in fatal strike on aid workers a settler who wanted to block humanitarian supplies into Gaza/Paul Nuki, Lilia Sebouai and Samuel Lovett/April 12, 2024

And we are supposed to believe this murdering of innocent aid workers was an accident – even totally biased supporters of this illegal genocide must see the claims of the Government are all lies – just as everything they say is – Mark The most senior IDF commander dismissed for his role in the drone… Continue reading Israeli commander in fatal strike on aid workers a settler who wanted to block humanitarian supplies into Gaza/Paul Nuki, Lilia Sebouai and Samuel Lovett/April 12, 2024

Please read and sign the following petition that condemns an extremist Christian zionist initiative calling for the removal of Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome of the Rock, replacing them with the Third Temple.  This is an old Christian zionist project being recycled by extremist Jewish and CHristian zionist organizations, many based in the United States and Jerusalem.  Please spread this petition far and wide as anyone can sign it and utilize the petition as a means of educating educating people about the dangers of these violent and extreme projects that will only inspire more violence in an already lethal crisis in Gaza, E. Jerusalem and the West Bank. 


‘We need to build the pathway’: Wong steps up debate on Palestinian statehood

The Age/ David Crowe and Matthew Knott/9.4.2024 — 8.30pm Whilst the two state solution is dead any efforts to challenge the evil that refuses to allow Palestinian statehood is welcome – Mark Foreign Minister Penny Wong has cleared the ground for a pivotal debate on the conflict in the Middle East by suggesting Australia could… Continue reading ‘We need to build the pathway’: Wong steps up debate on Palestinian statehood

Israeli police demolish longtime prisoner Walid Daqqa’s funeral tent and detain mourners

Israeli police attacked mourners attending the funeral of Walid Daqqa, who died after spending 38 years in Israeli jails, and arrested five people. London 09 April, 2024 Absolutely inhumane but sadly consistent behaviour by this criminal Government – Mark Israeli forces have cracked down on mourners going to attend the funeral of 62-year-old Palestinian intellectual Walid… Continue reading Israeli police demolish longtime prisoner Walid Daqqa’s funeral tent and detain mourners

Killing aid workers: Australia’s muddled policy on Israel

April 5, 2024 at 5:00 pm The Australian Prime Minister, Anthony Albanese, was distraught and testy.  It seemed that, on this occasion, Israel had gone too far.  Not too far in killing over 32,000 Palestinians in Gaza, a staggering percentage of them being children.  Not too far in terms of using starvation as a weapon… Continue reading Killing aid workers: Australia’s muddled policy on Israel

Australian recognition of Palestine a first step to Palestinian rights, but recognition of Israeli apartheid also crucial

Apr 10, 2024 The Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) welcomes the Foreign Minister’s support for the recognition of Palestine, but considers this only the first political step in supporting Palestinians to realise their rights to self-determination, justice and equality. With the most right-wing government in Israel’s history currently committing genocide in Gaza, and terrorising Palestinians… Continue reading Australian recognition of Palestine a first step to Palestinian rights, but recognition of Israeli apartheid also crucial

At last, the West awakens to Israel’s fighting

The Age & Sydney Morning Herald | Ben Saul | 9 April 2024 How can anybody believe a single word that comes from the mouths of the Government of Israel – bravo to Australia for standing up to something that EVERY nation should be doing – Mark Israel’s swift investigation into the killings of seven… Continue reading At last, the West awakens to Israel’s fighting